Connecting Europe Facility
Infrastructure developments/accessibility
Adriatic Motorways of the sea
Period: 16/11/2012 – 31/12/2014
Total project budget: € 56.700.000,00
Beneficiaries: Venice Port Authority (coordinator), Venice Ro Port Mos, Igoumentisa Port Authority
The “Adriamos” project scope is strengthening an efficient, constant and reliable transport service based on the integration of sea-land transport modes on the Adriatic-Ionian corridor.
A better sea connection between the port of Venice and the ports of the Ionian Sea and Western Greece (Igoumenitsa and Patras)– determinedly – contributes to reducing the economic, social and environmental
costs tied to port and logistic activities.
In particular the strategic outputs of ADRIAMOS are as follows:
- The Adriatic Motorways of the Sea terminal (Fusina terminal Ro-Ro, Ro-Pax) operating from May 2014. Once at full working capacity it, will feature 2 docks with 4 10.5mt-deep quays, which will accommodate 4 ships and one logistic platform – with specific Schengen and non-Schengen areas – completed with dedicated buildings and warehouses, port yards and car parks covering a total area of 32 hectares.
- The Igoumenitsa Port Authority preliminary studies for the building of a Freight Terminal in the Thesprotia region to serve freight transport coming from the Adriatic Sea.
Brochure: click here
Project Poster: click here
The project aimed to restructure and strengthen the Port’s railway facilities
The aim of the project was to renovate and strengthen the port railway infrastructure. A further 7 tracks were added to the existing railway park for a total of 4 km, including 3 electrified tracks (±1,500 m) used for loading and unloading rolling stock.
Further works carried out for the benefit of the port infrastructure are: the fire prevention and rainwater collection network and the sewerage system have been extended and adapted to the new dimension, a service road to guarantee access to the personnel in charge.
Thanks to the project, the terminal is now able to handle up to 50 trains per day, up to 700 m each, a key factor that allows railway operators to launch new connections between the port of Venice and the interports of Padua and Verona.
Presentation: click here
Functional adaptation of the road system and the railway network in the Malcontenta-Fusina section – Via dell’ Elettronica in the Port of Marghera Venice”
Period: 01/12/2008 – 31/12/2011
Total project budget: € 2.700.000,00
This action involved the strenghtening and developing of the existing road and rail infrastructure connecting the new Fusina Ro-Ro terminal with the main national and local road and rail networks, in order to enhance interconnections of the Fusina area and achieve a better quality of service in terms of capacity, frequency, safety, environmental protection, quality and cost in response to the market expectations.
The project specifically:
- widened the existing road by constructing two new lanes to enhance the connections of the Fusina area with the national A4 highway situated on Corridor V;
- doubled the existing railway by constructing two new tracks to improve the connections of the Fusina area Ro-Ro terminal with the national railway network.
Project Poster: click here
Period: 01/01/2012 – 30/06/2014
Total project budget: € 7.750.000,00
The completion of the works starting from 01/01/2012 was co-financed by European funds directed by the Veneto Region for a total contribution of €5,037,500.
Link to the project: bur.regione.veneto.it
Period: 23/07/2009 – 31/12/2011
Total project budget: € 39.120.000
This project consisted of infrastructural works to dredge the West and South Industrial canals to a depth of 10,5 meters in order to improve the nautical accessibility in the port of Venice-Marghera.
This allowed vessels of higher tonnage to access the port facilities and thus to develop maritime and co-modal transport.
Furthermore the project contributed at reducing the environmental pollution of the lagoon by removing the contaminated sediments from the two canals.
Miglioramento dell’accessibilità nautica nei porti di Capodistria e Venezia al fine di realizzare un sistema portuale integrato dell’Adriatico settentrionale
Period: 01/03/2013 – 31/12/2015
Beneficiaries: Luka Koper (coordinator), and Venice Port Authority
The object of this project is to carry the improvement on the maritime accessibility started with the previous Action 2009-IT-0073-E. For the main ship canals the port plan foresees a-12,00 depth.
The present Action consist in the dredging up to -11,80 of a stretch in the West Industrial Canal. Along with a better accessibility, the intervention will bring an important environmental improvement by removing and disposing of the contaminated sediments.
Project presentation: click here
TEN – T NAPA Studies
Period: 01/07/2013 – 31/12/2015
Total project budget: € 5.630.000,00
Total European co-financing: € 2.815.000,00
Venice Port Authority Budget: € 730.000,00 di cui € 365.000,00 of European co-financing
Beneficiaries: Rijeka Port Authority (Coordinator); Croatian Railways, Port of Koper, Slovenian Railway, Venice Port Authority, Trieste Port Authority, Sistemi Territoriali, Aspo Chioggia, Province of Mantova; Italian Ministry of Infrastructures, Central European Initiative, University of Trieste.
The project “Development of North Adriatic ports multimodal connections and their efficient integration into the Core Network” (NAPA STUDIES) aims to support future development projects of Adriatic ports, thus contributing to the growth of ports as interconnection points between different transport systems, not only maritime.
The project aims, in fact, to enhance the Adriatic-Ionian macro region and the Motorways of the Sea of South-East Europe which connect the Adriatic, Ionian and Eastern Mediterranean seas to thus contribute to the harmonization of connections between the ports and the hinterland ( by rail and inland waterway).
The activities involve carrying out studies and plans to encourage investments in 4 main macro-areas of intervention including the improvement of internal navigation. This activity involves, in particular, the implementation of studies and layout designs for the development of internal navigation (via navigable canal) from the Port of Venice to the ports of Chioggia and Porto Levante by sea and the internal port of Mantua.
As part of the aforementioned activity, the Port Authority of Venice carries out a study for the definition of the operating model serving the Venice offshore platform for the supply of the terminals of Venice, Chioggia, Porto Levante and Mantua and consequent layout of the terminals.
Brochure: click here
Implementation study to prepare a PPP to improve the capacity at the Port of Venice and related logistics system
Period: 05/04/2012-31/12/2014
Total budget project: € 1.440.000 (co-financed to 50%)
The “TEN –T PPP action is aimed at developing preliminary legal, financial and technical studies necessary to advance the project maturity of the Venice port development plan consisting of the design and implementation of an offshore terminal, onshore terminal and related waterway transfer system in order to move the project closer to implementation as a PPP scheme.
The main output of PPP project is prepare the documentation for launching the tender to the design, build, operate and maintenance of the offshore terminal, onshore terminal and waterways transfer and to upgrade the project maturity.
Alternative fuels/sustainability
The Masterplan for the adoption of LNG as Fuel in the Mediterranean Sea
Project duration: 01/12/2013 – 31/12/2015
Project budget: € 5.126.250,00
Poseidon Med is the first LNG bunkering project in the Mediterranean and Adriatic Sea crossing European borders aiming at introducing LNG as the main fuel for the world shipping industry and develop a sufficient infrastructure network of bunkering. The project aims to design a comprehensive value chain for the use of LNG as marine fuel in East Mediterranean and Adriatic Sea, including the development of an LNG transportation, distribution, and supply network, as well as the establishment of a well-functioning and sustainable related market for its demand.
Project Leader is Qatar Energy Europe, with the support of other partners from Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Slovenia and Croatia. The Port Authority of La Spezia, Venice and Trieste, Contship Italia and the Grimaldi Group are the Italian partner for Poseidon Med.
The project has a fivefold target for the establishment of a comprehensive LNG network in the East Mediterranean area, the development of a sustainable market for LNG as marine fuel, the revival of the shipping industry in the area, and the increase in fleet competitiveness, efficiency, and sustainability while at the same time providing substantial environmental benefits, meeting the forthcoming stricter environmental regulations, and allowing easy compliance with the most recent EU directives.
A specific assessment is foreseen for the Northern Adriatic, in order to examine the potential for LNG as marine fuel in the NAPA Ports – North Adriatic Port Association – and explore the stakeholders’ view of the area on this alternative fuel. A set of targeted but preliminary master plans for LNG as fuel is expected for selected important sea terminals. Therefore local assessments related to the state of the art of alternative fuels availability, infrastructures and logistics distribution for each port of Venice, Trieste, Koper and Rijeka will be undertaken.
Project link: www.poseidonmed.eu
Brochure: click here
Advanced National Networks for Administrations (2012-EU-21019-S)
Periodo: January 2012 – December 2015
Total Project Budget: € 37.076.000,00 (co-financed to 50%)
The general objective of the project is the adoption of the “Maritime single Window” at national level for the electronic transmission of data and the completion of reporting requirements for ships arriving/departing in European ports, in accordance with European Directive no. 65 of 2010.
Countries involved: Netherlands, United Kingdom, Belgium, Bulgaria, Sweden, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Latvia, France, Italy, Slovenia, Romania, Cyprus.
ITS Adriatic Multi-port Gateway (2010-EU-21106-S)
Period: 01/04/2010 – 31/12/2013
Total projet budget: € 2.885.000,00 (co-financed to 50%)
The ports of the Northern Adriatic, in 3 member countries (Italy, Slovenia and Croatia), are main nodes of the so-called “core” TEN-T network and of the Baltic-Adriatic, Scandinavian-Mediterranean and Mediterranean European corridors .
The main outputs of the project are:
- a prototype of a common platform based on the strengthening of the EDI component of the local Port Community Systems and the development of a web portal of the Northern Adriatic ports for the exchange of data, integrated with the aforementioned EDI application . This architecture allows interconnections between the ports of the system, based on the standard rules and technical requirements that were highlighted following the analyzes of the processes in the 3 ports. The prototype has undoubtedly proven to be able to communicate and has opened data exchange flows between port community systems and other IT systems;
- a market study that highlighted the market potential of 6 million TEU for NAPA ports over a time horizon up to 2030. Growth in market shares of NAPA ports would help establish a container market balance currently unbalanced towards Northern European ports. Research on the potential cargo capacity of the Northern Adriatic port system in the container sector confirms that only the combination of greater capacity with greater draft and better railway and service infrastructure can provide the synergies necessary to achieve the potential development expected for 2030 .
Brochure: click here
Studies for the development of the operability of the RIS in the waterway system of Northern Italy
Period: 01/03/2010 – 31/12/2013
Total project budget: € €5,060,000.00
Beneficiaries: Sistemi Territoriali Spa (coordinator), AIPO, Province of Mantua, Port Authority of Venice
The TEN-T RIS project “Studies for the development of the operability of the RIS in the waterway system of Northern Italy” has allowed the creation and testing of a RIS prototype (River Information Service ) and its related technical and legal management scheme, to support and strengthen the operability of the internal navigation system of Northern Italy, increase its level of efficiency and safety by promoting its integration into the transport logistics chain in the North Italy.
The main outputs obtained from the project:
- update of the ENC (Electronic Cartography9 of the Po river and its canals;
- RIS prototype installed and tested for commercial traffic;
- river navigation simulator (Port Authority of Venice);
- proposal for an organizational and regulatory model for national internal navigation.
Link to INEA website: click here