Responsible Institution

Online Instances
Companies that intend to carry out the storage and handling of goods and any other material, collateral to port activities, within the port area of Venice, in a private area or in a state-owned area, can obtain specific authorization from the Authority. of the Port System of the Northern Adriatic Sea pursuant to ordinance no. 328/2009 (click here to read the ordinance).
Companies that intend to carry out, within the commercial port “insula”, collateral activities to the port activities of storage and handling of goods (therefore excluding disembarkation and embarkation), also to obtain the appropriate customs authorisations, must obtain authorization from the Port System Authority of the Northern Adriatic Sea pursuant to ordinance no. 328/2009.
The achievement and maintenance of the authorization through annual renewal constitutes the right to carry out the specific activity carried out in the port area and allows the authorized person to request individual access permits for the staff of his company.
How to request authorization
How to request authorization
Companies already registered can request the renewal of the authorization referred to in the Ord. 328 for the following year by 31 March.
Costs and payment methods
- 320,00 € for fixed secretarial fee for issuing the authorization
- 160,00 € for fixed secretarial fee for the renewal of the authorization
- 20,00 € per issue of each port access ticket
Port chemical consultants
The Porto chemical consultant is registered in the Register pursuant to art. 68 of the Navigation Code as required by Ordinance n.17/2018 of the Port System Authority of the Northern Adriatic Sea.
There are currently four Chemical Consultants at the Port of Venice and Chioggia.
Download the list of chemical consultants here (APV Ordinance no. 376/2013).
Competent Area: Area Lavoro e Coordinamento Operativo Portuale
Telephone: 041.5334227 – 4225 – 4298 – 4295
E-mail: adspmas.lavoroportuale@port.venice.it