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  5. Three weeks of initiatives...

Three weeks of initiatives open to citizens, students, and families to get closer to the port and logistics reality, discovering places and professions.

In October, the port opens up to the city with the fourth edition of the “Port Days” event, organized by the North Adriatic Sea Port Authority to offer everyone a direct experience of the port reality in Venice and Chioggia.

The 2023 program includes new initiatives and new partners, alongside events that have already been highly successful in previous editions, such as guided tours by sea and land, musical events animating the waterfront, and workshops with schools. There are four types of events: guided tours, sports events, meetings, and performances.

Among the new additions this year is a theatrical performance dedicated to the theme of the sea, as well as a whole morning of playful and sports animation in the city’s waterfront dedicated to primary schools. This interface between the port and the city becomes the protagonist of this edition, thanks to the collaboration with public and private actors. Once again, there are numerous active partners, including the City of Venice, the City of Chioggia, the Harbor Master’s Office, Ca’ Foscari University, Venice Port Community, Propeller Club Venice, CFLI, ITS Marco Polo, Venice Heritage Tower, IPAV – Public Institutions of Venetian Assistance, Santa Fosca University Pastoral Center, Teatro a l’Avogaria, Civic Museum of the Southern Lagoon in Chioggia, and We are Here Venice.

Check out the program of events (IT LANG).

