Connecting Europe Facility
Infrastructure developments/accessibility
“ACCESS2NAPA” has been selected under the European funding programme “Connecting Europe Facility“. The duration of the project is three years and it is expected to end by December 2024. The ports of Venice, Trieste, Koper and Ravenna (coordinator) d have obtained a co-funding of 50% on a total expenditure of over 14 million euros.
The strategic objective is to increase the competitiveness of the ports involved, with works for both maritime and last-mile land accessibility, as well as to reduce the environmental impact of port operations by planning the electrification of quays.
What the ports of Venice and Chioggia do
The North Adriatic Sea Port Authority has a budget of 880,000 euros, cofinanced at 50% by European Union funds, which will be used to design interventions at Porto Marghera to upgrade the infrastructure of the last rail mile (in the connection between Via dell’Elettricità and the Petrochemical Peninsula) and road accessibility (“Malcontenta node”).
With these two activities, a concrete infrastructural contribution will be made to the achievement of the strategic growth objectives of the North Adriatic Ports Association (NAPA).